Seeing is believing. You have read or heard a lot about us, you have become impressed, and maybe you have been thinking of coming to see it all with your own eyes. We welcome everyone who comes despite the fears and restrictions of the pandemic. If you are interested in our churches, worship services, or cultural events, be our guest. Visit us to meet our clergy and members of our extensive monastic family. Come to venerate the convent's relics.
You can still fly into Belarus from most countries via Minsk International Airport. You can expect a warm welcome, and the comfortable rooms of our monastic guesthouse are waiting for you. If interested, you can view the photos of the guesthouse. We will be happy to show you around the Convent, take you to our churches and our stalls offering products from our numerous workshops.
We will have a lot to show and tell you. Visit us to feel the measured, contemplative and prayerful life of our Convent. Share our food. Visit our farmsteads. We will gladly take you to other holy places in Belarus of your choice to give you the best chance to familiarise yourself with the rich traditions and history of the Orthodox faith in Belarus. Perhaps your next visit to us would bring you to look at your own life and your goals in it from a different angle.