In the bustling city of Rome during the late third century, two brothers, Cosmas and Damian, lived lives dedicated to healing and spreading the word of God. As young men, they were entrusted to the training of a skilled healer, and soon they surpassed their teacher in their medical expertise.
Unlike other physicians who sought riches and recognition, Damian and Cosmas chose to use their talents for a higher purpose. They refused to charge fees for their healing services, instead proclaiming that their abilities were not their own but a gift from God. "We do not heal sicknesses by our own power," they would declare, "but by the power of Christ, the true God. Believe in Him and you will be in good health."
With their medical skills and unwavering faith, Cosmas and Damian traveled throughout Rome and its surrounding areas, healing the sick and converting many to Christianity. Their reputation grew, and people came from far and wide seeking their help.
A handpainted icon of Holy Martyrs Cosmas and Damian created in St Elisabeth Convent*
However, their success and popularity attracted the envy and wrath of the devil. Using his influence, he persuaded the Roman emperor, Carinus, to accuse the brothers of witchcraft. Soldiers were dispatched to arrest Cosmas and Damian, but they were unable to find them. Enraged, the emperor took other Christians hostage, threatening to execute them if the brothers did not surrender.
Driven by compassion and a desire to protect the innocent, Damian and Cosmas willingly gave themselves up. At their trial, they stood firm in their faith, denying the accusations of witchcraft and emphasizing their reliance on God's power for healing.
In a remarkable turn of events, Emperor Carinus himself fell ill. The Holy Unmercinaries, despite being under arrest, were summoned to cure him. With their prayers and God's grace, they successfully healed the emperor. This miraculous event shook the emperor's faith, and he converted to Christianity, setting the brothers free.
News of the holy brothers' healing prowess and unwavering faith spread far and wide. Many people, inspired by their example, turned to Christianity. However, the brothers' success also aroused the jealousy of their former teacher, an envious old physician. Consumed by bitterness, he lured Cosmas and Damian into a secluded mountain location, ostensibly to gather rare medicinal herbs. There, he treacherously murdered them and cast their bodies into a river.
Despite their untimely demise, Cosmas and Damian's legacy lives on. They are revered as saints and martyrs, and their memory is celebrated by the Orthodox Church on July 14th. They are known as the "Holy Unmercenaries" for their selfless service to the sick and their refusal to seek personal gain. Their unwavering faith and miraculous healing abilities continue to inspire and uplift believers around the world.
* You can order this icon and other products of St Elisabeth Convent by clicking on this link.