Yandex Metrika
Our social ministry in hospitals


sister of mercy and sick

The Lord Jesus Christ healed people by word and deed, taking care not only of their bodies, but above all of their souls, and as a result of the whole person. People afflicted by disease need therapy, and also companionship and spiritual support. The Convent's sisters remind the ailing person that their souls are alive and that the Holy Sacraments strengthen the soul and the body, and aid in the healing.

The Convent's lay sisters and volunteers conduct their ministries among patients of the National Mental Health Centre, Minsk City Centre for Rehabilitation of Children with Mental Diseases, National Research to Practice Centre for Pneumonology, and General Hospital No. 2.

Being in the hospital outside of one's habitual surroundings and alone with oneself, one often questions the meaning of one's life, and becomes more open to thoughts about God and the soul. Our goal is to be near, bring comfort, sympathy and love to all who need them during those critical moments.

The Holy Reverend Ambrose of Optina used to say: "Sometimes, a disease strikes us so that our slumbering souls can wake up." Through our ministry, many have found faith, learned about the Holy Sacraments and started going to Church.

Blessing the establishment of our Convent, Metropolitan Philaret said, "You should look at your ministry in this way, “I have come to care for the sick. I pray to you, O, Lord that You may do Your work through me." His words continue to be an inspiration for the sisters today.